We must continue to provide service in support of those who must travel. We feel that flying private is one of the best ways to travel right now by avoiding big airports and big crowds. Below is our policy that affects all crew and passengers:

Important MJS Policies on all Charters:

  • All passengers must complete and return the health affidavitor proof of recent Negative COVID-19 test. These should be emailed into ops no earlier than 24 hours before the flight and no later than 4 hours before the flight. MJS will not accept these forms signed on behalf of the passengers.
  • All passengers are subject to a mandatory temperature check before boarding.The operator’s crew reserves the right to deny boarding to any passengers with a temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or otherwise exhibiting obvious and common symptoms of COVID-19.

MJS COVID-19 Policy: 

  • Crew members should monitor themselves for fever (feeling feverish or a measured temperature of 100.4o F [38o C] or higher), cough, or shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19, ensuring they have not had any symptoms within 14 days before a flight.
  • Crew members will take their temperature before each flight and any time they feel sick.
  • Crew members should stay home or in their hotel room, notify their employer’s occupational health program, and not report to work if they meet any of the following conditions: o Develop fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19, even if mild; o Test positive for SARS-CoV-2, even if no symptoms are present; or o Are exposed, as defined below, to a sick person with symptoms of COVID-19, even if the person has not been tested for SARS-CoV-2.
  • Exposures of concern include: o A sick household member or intimate partner; o Taking care of a sick person without using personal protective equipment (PPE); or o Being within 6 feet (2 meters) of a sick person (including co-workers and passengers) for a prolonged period (i.e., 15 minutes or longer). NOTE: Data are insufficient to precisely define the duration of time that constitutes a prolonged exposure. Brief interactions are less likely to result in transmission; however, it is important to consider the person’s symptoms and the type of interaction (e.g., whether the sick person coughed or sneezed directly into the face of the exposed person).
  • Crew members, who are symptomatic or have been exposed to a person with COVID-19, should not return to work until cleared to do so by their employer’s occupational health program and public health officials.
  • If a crew member develops symptoms during a flight, the crew member should stop working as soon as practicable, put on a surgical mask or a cloth face covering, notify the Lead Flight Attendant or Purser, and maintain a distance of (6 feet [2 meters]) from others to the extent possible.

Health Protection

To protect their health and the health of others, including co-workers and passengers, crew members should:

  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) from others to the extent possible, including:
  • While working on aircraft, e.g., while seated in jump seats during take-off or landing or working in galley areas, etc. Certain FAA regulations may be implicated in implementing this guidance (e.g., 14 C.F.R. § 121.391(d)); crew members may wish to verify that the air carrier has sought relief.
  • During ground transport.
  • While in public places.
  • Avoid handshaking, high fives, etc.
  • Stay at home or in their hotel rooms (as applicable) to the extent possible.
  • Where possible, utilize hotels that confirm all rooms and key cards are disinfected daily.
  • Where possible, utilize car rental and app-hailing companies that confirm positive daily disinfection of vehicles, and also any other related rental items such as keys and GPS units.
  • Crew members should refrain from public/mass transportation whenever possible.
  • Eat in the hotel room during layovers with either room service or delivery service. If in-room food delivery options are not available, get take-out from a hotel restaurant or another restaurant nearby.
  • Limit activities in public to essential errands, such as getting food.
  • wash their hands frequently with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, particularly after assisting sick travelers or touching body fluids or surfaces likely to be contaminated with body fluids; after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose; after using the restroom; before eating; and before preparing or serving food or beverages; and after removing any PPE, including gloves.
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Will wear a face covering while around other people, especially in situations where they cannot maintain the recommended physical distance from others, including common areas including hotel lobbies, shuttles, and other airport environments.
  • Cloth face coverings should not replace the use of surgical masks or other PPE provided in the Universal Precaution Kit (UPK) when interacting with a sick traveler onboard an aircraft.
  • Avoid contact with people having cough, fever or shortness of breath, or otherwise suspected of having COVID-19.


  • In addition to normal cleaning procedures, all aircraft will be wiped down with an EPA-approved disinfectant before all passenger flights. All internal and external hard surfaces will be treated where passenger contact is expected. Cabin, galley, and lavatory areas will be wiped down thoroughly with a focus on high-touch spots including drawers, handles, and cabinet doors.
  • It is also encouraged that in addition to pre/post-flight disinfection, that all aircraft be proactively treated with an anti-microbial product such as MicroShield-360 or equivalent.
  • Aircraft are kept stocked with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) such as hand sanitizer, disinfectant cleaning wipes, and disposable face masks which are also available for passenger use upon request.
  • If an operator finds out they have transported a sick individual, the aircraft will be taken down for a thorough disinfecting that includes hard surface wipe down with an approved disinfectant and chemical fogging /treatment with either a dry fog hydrogen peroxide solution (or other approved disinfectant).
  • Before each flight, inspect and confirm the condition and contents of the UPK(s). Follow existing air carrier policy and procedures regarding the use of the PPE available in the kits if needed to provide care to a sick traveler on board.
  • Follow the guidance for COVID-19 precautions of the State and local health authorities in the area where they are located.    

Boarding and Passenger Interaction

  • All crew members are required to take their temperatures, as well as passengers before boarding. Anyone with a measured temperature of 100.4 or higher is not allowed to board the plane.
  • The standard procedure will be for crew members to wear masks at all times though, in keeping with CDC guidance and FAA allowances and recommendations, masks are not required while in the flight deck during flight.
  • Minimum social distancing guidelines will be followed wherever possible.
  • Hands will be thoroughly disinfected with hand sanitizer before and after handling passenger items, including luggage and passenger personal items.
  • During ID check at boarding, crew members should avoid handling IDs whenever possible and from a safe social distance, but if necessary, then verify identification either with the aid of disposable gloves or with thorough hand sanitizing before and after handling the ID.
  • Ensure masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and disposable gloves are on board all flights.
  • Before departure, the crew shall brief the passengers on cleaning procedures which were performed in preparation for the flight where requested

We believe it is important for those who can safely do so to continue doing business. At MJS , we intend to do our part in contributing to the leadership of the aviation industry through continuing to provide quality service and conduct business practices that protect everyone.

Thank you,

Ops Team Fly Marquis

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